 WANG Chong,CHEN Guoguang,ZHANG Jing,et al.Timing sequence arrangement for abandoned mine restoration in Nan’an City, Fujian Province[J].East China Geology,2022,43(01):102-112.[doi:10.16788/j.hddz.32-1865/P.2022.01.011]





Timing sequence arrangement for abandoned mine restoration in Nan’an City, Fujian Province
王冲1 陈国光1 张景1 张定源1 谢志强2 吴佳瑜1 王尚晓1
1. 中国地质调查局南京地质调查中心, 江苏 南京 210016;
2. 福建省闽北地质大队, 福建 邵武 354000
WANG Chong1 CHEN Guoguang1 ZHANG Jing1 ZHANG Dingyuan1 XIE Zhiqiang2 WU Jiayu1 WANG Shangxiao1
1. Nanjing Center, China Geological Survey, Nanjing 210016, Jiangsu, China;
2. The Northern Geological Party of Fujian Province, Shaowu, 354000, Fujian, China
abandoned minesecological rehabilitationnatural recoverytiming sequence arrangenment
Through remote sensing image interpretation and field investigation of abandoned mines in Nan’an City, as many as 945 damaged lands in abandoned mines in Nan’an were found, mostly with the characteristics of large destructive intensity and wide area, causing a terrific negative impact on the local ecological environment. In order to rationally allocate local resources for the ecological rehabilitation of mine, according to the characteristics of abandoned mines in Nan’an and their main adverse impacts and the principle of "Priority should be placed in ecology, safety and natural rehabilitation", the rehabilitation sequence of abandoned mines has been evaluated from multiple dimensions including natural recovery capacity, geological safety, environmental impact on the watershed and visual pollution. This study provides reference for ecological rehabilitation of abandoned mine lands in Nan’an City.


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